We Believe
Statement Of Faith
We believe the central truths of Christianity as revealed in the Bible, including:
- God:
The eternal existence and unity of one God in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement.
- Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, born of the virgin Mary; his sinless life, his substitutionary atoning death on the cross, his bodily resurrection, his ascension into heaven, his victorious reign and future return, to be united with his church and to judge the world. He is the only mediator, and his sacrificial death the sole and all-sufficient ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin and from its eternal consequences.
- The Holy Spirit:
The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in convicting of sin, regeneration, illumination, and His indwelling in the life of the believer.
- Scripture:
The divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of Holy Scripture and its supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.
- Humanity:
The dignity and equality of all people, created in God’s image. The universal sinfulness and guilt of all people since the fall, rendering them subject to God’s wrath and condemnation. By the grace of God alone through faith in Christ sinners are justified and receive the gift of eternal life.
- The Church:
One holy universal church which is the body of Christ and to which all true believers belong; expressed in local congregations of believers and committed to the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel throughout the world. The priesthood of all believers and the divine institution of Baptism [1] and the Lord’s Supper. [2]
- Spiritual Evil:
The reality of spiritual evil and the existence of Satan; the spiritual opponent of God and His church. He was defeated by Christ at the cross.
- Future Hope:
The personal, visible, and victorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory to establish fully his universal reign. The bodily resurrection of all the dead and God’s final judgement of all people with justice, bringing those who have rejected him to eternal punishment and his own to eternal life in the new heavens and the new earth.
Vision & Values
Our vision and values express how we seek to follow Jesus and make him known
Find out more about our vision & values below
Leadership Team
The leadership team is responsible for coordinating the activates of the church
Find out more about our leadership team below