Welcome to Wexford Bible Church!
We are a community of faith coming together to follow our Lord Jesus.
If you are new to our church this morning then you are especially welcome! We hope you will be able to stay and introduce yourself over tea & coffee after the service.
We are so glad you have joined us this morning. We meet together each week to worship God through music, prayer, and exploring what the teachings of Jesus mean for our daily lives. Those seeking to follow Jesus and those who are sceptical are welcome.
Children's Programme
We have a children’s programme for primary school children which begins mid-way through the service. This can be found through the double doors at the front right corner of the hall. If your child is under 9 then their programme is in the second door on your left. If they are 9 or older, they are in the first room on your left.
Crèche facilities for pre-schoolers are through the double doors at the back right corner of the hall; in the third door on the right. Parents can stay with their children in the crèche before it begins, but for insurance and safety reasons we can’t have unsupervised children in the crèche room.
We also have a Parent & Baby room. This is through the door to the left of the main entrance to the school. In this room you can listen to the service while staying with your child.
Please note parents are responsible for supervising their children once Sunday school and crèche are finished.
All Children’s Programme volunteers are Garda vetted. You can find our Child Protection Policy on the church website: www.wexfordbiblechurch.ie/CPP. For further information or to raise any concerns, please see our Child Protection Officer Johanna Austin.

Contact Us
To find out more about church activities, or to ask any questions related to the church follow the link for a contact form.
Giving: As a registered charity the church can reclaim tax on donations; for more information about church giving or to avail of this opportunity contact Jonathan (086 8071972)
Sermons: Our sermon archive is on YouTube (search Wexford Bible Church) or in our Resources tab.
Notices: To receive email notices, send your email address to info@wexfordbiblechurch.ie
Rota: To volunteer to help with our Sunday service find the church rota on the information table by the entrance
Find Out More About Our Church
Vision & Values
Our vision and values express how we seek to follow Jesus and make him known
Find out more about our vision & values below
Leadership Team
The leadership team is responsible for coordinating the activates of the church
Find out more about our leadership team below